February Speaker Ian Thompson, a chemical engineer

Our last speaker was Ian Thompson, a chemical engineer, with experience in agriculture and a published entomologist.
Ian discussed insects viewed as friends and foes. Insects are very diverse with thousands still to be classified. Butterflies are beautiful, helpful and interesting in their growth. They suck up nector with their proboscis as do moths, and test for nectar with their feet.
Some caterpillars and beetles get rid of pests and aphids. Stick insects, dragon flies and lady birds (except 23 spotted one) are very helpful.
Foes include white cabbage moths; black beetles that destroy the lawn roots, crusader bugs, and shield bugs (citrus trees).
Earth worms are not insects and great for your garden health.
Fire ants now in northern NSW are an increasing danger as they can cause intense pain.
The accompanying photos were awe-inspiring as was Ian’s knowledge.

Frank Love recorder