May speaker 2018 John Redding

National Service – A Tour de Force!!

John delivered a captivating talk covering his life from schooling at Selhurst Grammar Public (Croydon) to his Air Training Corps experiences, both leading to his National Service period. At school he was exposed to air-raid shelters whilst the ATC saw him fly in Lancaster Bombers (10 hrs straight in a cramped gun turret) and Tiger Moths (hair-raising acrobatics) whilst seeing the introduction of Mosquitoes which had water-cooled RR Engines & were the fastest planes in the 2nd World War! During his National Service he learned how to: get shouted at, march, run, clean boots & respond quickly to “hey you”. He trained in the Engineers becoming a Sapper where he learnt additional skills: peeling potatoes, march with a gun, dig trenches, build Heavy Girder Bridges and use dynamite to blow-up trees.

Having a choice of being posted to either Singapore, Germany, UK or Cyprus he chose the latter. After becoming “sick as a dog” on the boat trip thru the Bay of Biscay he arrived safely in Cyprus (80% Greek & 20% Turkish) & became Deputy Clerk of Works. His time in Cyprus was rather special particularly when he became a top shooter as his neighbour accidentally fired at John’s target, improving John’s score magnificently! Lime in the water & it’s impact on the Boilers, Hospital sitting on a Box of Bombs, the Turkish Invasion all added to the rich tapestry of his life in the National Service.

Reporter: Cec Stubbs